Express Entry candidates will now be selected through category-based selection draws, as announced by Sean Fraser, Canada’s Immigration Minister. In category-based rounds of invitations, the IRCC invites candidates who qualify for a particular category established by the Minister. This approach helps the government achieve its economic goals by selecting candidates who possess skills and qualifications in areas that are in high demand. Category-based rounds are designed to complement general and program-specific invitation rounds.

The Express Entry is a streamlined immigration program that aims to attract skilled individuals to Canada. Under this stream, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) invites candidates who meet specific criteria to apply for permanent residence, contributing to Canada’s economic growth. To be considered for an invitation, candidates must meet certain criteria. This includes demonstrating proficiency in a designated official language, having relevant work experience in specific occupations identified in the National Occupational Classification (NOC), and meeting educational requirements.

Categories Chosen for 2023: Meeting Diverse Needs

In 2023, the IRCC has selected the following categories to invite candidates:

  1. French-language Proficiency: Candidates proficient in French have an opportunity to contribute to Canada’s bilingual environment.
  2. Healthcare Occupations: Skilled professionals in healthcare are in high demand, and their expertise is crucial to meeting the country’s healthcare needs.
  3. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Occupations: Professionals in STEM fields play a vital role in driving innovation and economic development.
  4. Trade Occupations: Skilled workers in trades contribute to various sectors, such as construction, manufacturing, and transportation.
  5. Transport Occupations: Professionals in transportation fields support the country’s logistics and transportation networks.
  6. Agriculture and Agri-food Occupations: The agriculture and agri-food sectors require skilled individuals to ensure sustainable growth and food security.

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Complete List of NOC for Healthcare Occupations

Occupation2021 NOC code2021 TEER category
Audiologists and speech language pathologists311121
Dieticians and nutritionists311211
Education counsellors413201
General practitioners and family physicians311021
Instructors of persons with disabilities422032
Kinesiologists and other professional occupation in therapy and assessment312041
Licensed practical nurses321012
Massage therapists322012
Medical laboratory assistants and related technical occupations331013
Medical laboratory technologists321202
Medical radiation technologists321212
Medical sonographers321222
Nurse aides, orderlies and patient service associates331023
Nurse practitioners313021
Nursing co-ordinators and supervisors313001
Occupational therapists312031
Other assisting occupations in support of health services331093
Other practitioners of natural healing322092
Other professional occupations in health diagnosing and treating312091
Other technical occupations in therapy and assessment321092
Paramedical occupations321022
Pharmacy technical assistants and pharmacy assistants331033
Physician assistants, midwives and allied health professionals313031
Registered nurses and registered psychiatric nurses313011
Respiratory therapists, clinical perfusionists and cardiopulmonary technologists321032
Specialists in clinical and laboratory medicine311001
Specialists in surgery311011
Therapists in counselling and related specialized therapies413011
Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners and acupuncturists322002

Complete List of NOC for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Occupations:

Occupation2021 NOC code2021 TEER category
Architecture and science managers200110
Business systems specialists212211
Civil Engineers213001
Computer and information systems managers200120
Computer engineers (except software engineers and designers)213111
Computer systems developers and programmers212301
Cybersecurity specialists212201
Data scientists212111
Database analysts and data administrators212231
Electrical and electronics engineers213101
Engineering managers200100
Industrial and manufacturing engineers213211
Information systems specialists212221
Land surveyors212031
Landscape Architects212011
Mathematicians, statisticians and actuaries212101
Metallurgical and materials engineers213221
Natural and applied science policy researchers, consultants and program officers414001
Software developers and programmers212321
Software engineers and designers212311
Urban and land use planners212021
Web designers212331
Web developers and programmers212341

Complete list of NOC for Trade Occupations:

Occupation 2021 NOC code 2021 TEER category 
Residential and commercial installers and servicers732003
Elevator constructors and mechanics724062
Machine fitters724052
Heating, refrigeration and air conditioning mechanics724022
Construction millwrights and industrial mechanics724002
Electricians (except industrial and power system)722002
Welders and related machine operators721062
Contractors and supervisors, other construction trades, installers, repairers and servicers720142

Complete List of NOC for Transport Occupations:

Occupation 2021 NOC code 2021 TEER category 
Aircraft assemblers and aircraft assembly inspectors932003
Transport truck drivers733003
Railway traffic controllers and marine traffic regulators726042
Engineer officers, water transport726032
Deck officers, water transport726022
Air traffic controllers and related occupations726012
Air pilots, flight engineers and flying instructors726002
Aircraft mechanics and aircraft inspectors724042
Railway carmen/women724032
Managers in transportation700200

Complete lidt of NOC for Agriculture and Agri-food Occupations:

Occupation 2021 NOC code 2021 TEER category 
Contractors and supervisors, landscaping, grounds maintenance and horticulture services820312
Agricultural service contractors and farm supervisors820302
Butchers- retail and wholesale632013

At Sea Bird Canada Immigration Consultancy Inc., we are committed to assisting individuals in these categories with their immigration journey. We work closely with the IRCC to provide guidance and support throughout the application process, helping candidates achieve their goal of obtaining permanent residency in Canada.

To schedule a consultation, please contact to Sea Bird Canada Immigration Consultancy Inc.